Licence Management

Activating a Licence

Releasing a licence (manually) - Use this to manually release a licence so it can be used on another computer.

Releasing a licence (automatically) - Use this if you are moving between computers regularly.

Licencing Error Messages

File / Drawing Management

Organising, Creating, Opening, Closing and Sharing Drawings

Drawing Organisation:

Organising your Drawings - Where to store them etc.

Drawing Versioning - Managing drawing versions

Creating Drawings

Saving Drawings

Opening Drawings

Sharing Drawings

Floorplan Live

Linking your plan to Floorplan Live - Please contact us to link your plan to Floorplan Live.

Once your plan is connected to Floorplan Live, you may want to:

Trouble Shooting

I cannot upload because I am not using the Master Plan.

I cannot upload because the Show Name or Dates have changed.

I cannot upload because some stands are not within a Gross Area - How to edit a Gross Area/Hall Boundary.

I cannot upload because my drawing needs to be repositioned - How to reposition your drawing.

Some parts of my floorplan are missing on Floorplan Live after uploading - Check the connection to Floorplan Live

I am getting an internet connection error while trying to upload/download - Check the connection to Floorplan Live


Creating Layers:

Layer Groups: (Using Groups helps keep your Layers organised)

Hiding Layers:

Making Layers Visible:

Make Layers visible using the Layer manager

Make Layers visible in certain Views

Deleting Layers:

Locking & Unlocking Layers:



Other Layer Options:


Creating Views:

Editing Views:


PDF Options:

DWG Options:

IMAGE Options:




Select a View to load on-screen

Managing Views


Selecting Stands

Selecting Stands:

Select a Single Stand

Select Multiple Stands

Selecting Stands that are a particular Stand Type / Colour - Useful for changing a set of stands from one colour to another.

Selecting Stands ONLY - Lock the system so only Stands can be selected.

Stand Numbers

Adding/Editing and Removing Stand Numbers:

Number size and Position:

Edit Number position for a single Stand - Use this when you only need to reposition a Number for a single stand. You can position the Number anywhere.

Edit Number position for multipe stands - Use this to change the position of Numbers for multiple stands. Numbers can only positioned Top Left, Top Right, Bottom Left, Bottom Right and Centre.

Reset Number Format and Position

Other Options:

Add / Edit / Remove Prefixes and Suffixes on Stand Numbers

Checking for duplicate Stand Numbers

Change Stand Number Colour

Stand Names

Adding Names to Stands:

Names that you add to a stand don't have to be just Company Names, they can be the names of features, catering, storage or any other name.

Editing Stand Names:

Editing Company Names using the Stand Details box - Use this to quickly edit names that are already on a stand.

Removing Names from Stands:

Note: Removing Names from stands does not delete them permanently, use the Company Names Manager to do that.

Name size and Position:

Edit Company Name Position for a single Stand - Use this when you only need to reposition a Name for a single stand. You can position the Name anywhere.

Edit Name position for multiple stands - Use this to change the position of Names for multiple stands. Names can only positioned Top Left, Top Right, Bottom Left, Bottom Right and Centre.

Reset Company Name Format and Position

Company Names Manager:

Add Names - Add names that can then be added to stands.

Import Names - Import names form a spreadsheet or another drawing.

Edit Names - Edit existing names

Capitalising Names - Change the Capitalisation for Names e.g. AAA or Aaa

Delete Names - Delete existing names

Purge Unused Names - Purge (delete) names that are not in use.

Other Options:

Change Stand Name Colour

Unhiding Company Names - Names are usually hidden when you don't want them shown on a stand that is shared by multiple companies.

Stand Colours

Change the colour of stands based on there type such as Sold, Reserved etc.

To change the colour of your stands, a system called 'Plan Types' and 'Stand Types' is used.

What are Plan Types and Stand Types?

Create Plan Types and Stand Types

Importing Plan and Stand Types from an existing drawing

Add a new Stand Type (colour) - Use this when you want to add a new Stand Type option such as 'On Hold' 'Reserved' etc.

Change the colour of an existing Stand Type.

Change Stand Types quickly for multiple stands

Insert a Stand Type Colour Key

Stand Lines

Open Sides:

Calculate Open Sides (Stand Fascias) - Show open sides as dashed lines.

Toggle Open/Closed Sides

Coloured Lines:

Calculate Stand Line Colours (Stand Edges and Walls).

Toggle Stand Line Colours

Line Visibility:

Toggle Stand Line Visibility (Stand Edges and Walls).

Reset Lines:

Reset Stand Lines back to the default (back to solid edges).

Combining and Splitting Stands

Combining Stands:

Splitting Stands:

Edit Stand Sizes

Adjusting Stand Sizes:

Move, Copy, Rotate, Mirror and Delete Stands

Moving Stands:

Copying Stands:

Changing Stand shapes:

Edit Stand Shapes

Editing Stand shapes:

Other Stand Functions

Tidy Stand Boundaries - This helps fix Stands not drawn correctly, particulary  after importing a DWG from another source.

Swapping Stand information between 2 stands

Add Hyperlinks to Stands - This makes stands 'Clickable' on an exported PDF.

Edit Stand Build Heights

Add Text, Logos, Symbols, Lines, Shapes etc


Use borders to help layout your floorplan.


Insert Show logos, Sponsor logos etc.

Adding Logos:

Insert a Show or Sponsor Logo - Use this to insert a Show or Sponsor logo that you have saved on your computer.

Insert a Logo using Copy and Paste - Use this for inserting logos you've found on a webpage or for copying from another document.

Edit Logos:

Adjust the Size and Position of a Logo

Delete a Logo

Turn a colour logo into Grayscale (Black and White)

Make your logos clickable in an exported PDF by adding a Hyperlink


Insert text for your Show Name, Show Dates, Issue Date etc.


For Stand Dimensions, see Stands section above.

Gangway Dimensions:

Other Dimensions:

Add Pillar Dimensions - Add dimensions to pillars and from pillar edges to stand edges.

Add Service Duct Dimensions - Add dimensions to service ducts to stand edges.

Miscellaneous Dimension Styles - To change the appearance of your dimensions.

Colour Keys

Add colour keys which automatically update as you update your floorplan.


Add Tables, Chairs, Toilet symbols etc.

Downloading Symbols:

Some basic Symbols are included with EFD but we recommend downloading additional ones.

Inserting Symbols

Creating Symbols:

Create a Symbol - Create a Symbol from scratch.

Re-create / Update a Symbol - Use this to update the contents of a Symbol.

Editing Symbols:

Lines and Shapes

Lines and polylines - What's the difference?

Draw a Circle

Draw an Ellipse

Draw an Arc

Draw a Rectangle

Draw a polygon

Draw a Multi-line

Draw a Spline

Inserting and Editing Tables

Calculation Tools

Meterage Reports

View Meterage Reports and Exhibitor Lists

View Meterage Report:

Simple Stand SQM Calculation - Use this to quickly check the SQM for all or group of stands

Detailed Meterage Report - Use this to view a detailed Meterage Report

Export Meterage Report to a Spreadsheet (Includes Exhibitor List):

Hall Boundaries (Gross Areas)

Hall Boundaries (Gross Areas) are used to calculate the floorspace of Halls, Rooms etc. Once they have been added they also help provide you with more detailed floorplan figures.


Create Zones to highlight and/or caclulate figures for certain areas such as Pavilions etc.

Create a Zone:

Edit Zones:

Amalgamating the square metreage of multiple Zones with the same name

Convert a Zone to a Gangway Carpet

Insert a Zone Colour Key

Gangway Carpet

Create and Calculate Gangway Carpets

Shell Scheme Components

Add and Calculate Shell Scheme Components

Automatic Shell Scheme component calculator:

Manually add Shell Scheme or other components:

Other Options:

Other Functions

Drawing Aids

Grids, Snaps and Construction lines

The Grid:

Zooming and Panning:

Zooming in and out of your drawing

Panning (Pan) -  Use this to move around your drawing.


Snaps - Snaps are when your mouse cursor snaps to differnet entities or the Grid.

Keyboard Shortcuts and Hotkeys:

Construction Lines:

Floorplan Inspection

Use these tools to quickly check for any problems on your Floorplan,


Use Wipeouts to hide certain areas of your floorplan

Customising Event Floorplan Designer

Event Floorplan Designer Settings

Drawing Properties - Change the name and dates of your show, plus other options.

System Settings - Change the Autosave and Auto Files Folder and the Machine User Name.

Exhibition Properties - Change the default properties for Halls, Zones, Plan Types, Stands, Gangways, Gangway Carpets and Stand Build Options.

Visual Settings - Change the default text heights, Positions etc.