Entity Colour

There are 2 ways to change the colour of an entity on your floorplan, both of which are described below.

Changing the Colour of entities directly


Select the entity you would like the change the colour of, in the example below I will change the colour of a simple Circle.


Selected Circle:


With the entity selected move your mouse to the bottom left of your screen and click on the drop down box next to the word 'Colour', the following colour list will appear. Now select the colour you want, I will select Blue.

You will now get the message shown below, click Yes.


The colour of your entity will now change colour.

Changing the colour of entities using Layers


First of all, make sure you have created a layer for your entity and that your entity is on that layer, you also need to change the colour of the layer so that when your entity is placed on it, it changes to the layer colour.

For help with managing layers click here.

For help with moving an entity onto a layer click here.


Now that you entity is on the correct layer you may find that your entity is the correct colour already, if it is not, select the entity, move your mouse to the bottom left of your screen and click on the drop down box next to the word 'Colour', the following colour list will appear. Now select the top option which is Layer.

You will now get the message shown below, click Yes.


The colour of your entity will now change colour to match the colour of the layer it is on.