Add Pillar Dimensions

The below instructions will show you how to add pillar dimensions.

Below is an example of some pillar dimensions added to a stand:

Adding Pillar Dimensions


IMPORTANT: Before you add Pillar Dimensions the following 2 points need to be done first if they have not been done already.

View the quick tutorial video and/or follow the instructions below.


Zoom into the Stand / Pillar where you need to add the dimensions.

Click on the 'Chain' option which is located under the Dimensions button on the DRAW ribbon as shown below.


After clicking the 'Chain' option above, check the menu at the top to make sure the Dimension Style is set to the correct one as shown below.

If it isn't, select it from the selection box.


We will now add the first dimension, which in this example we are first going to add dimensions going horizontally (left to right) across the stand.

Before you start, make sure that snap mode is set to Snap to insure accuracy, press F7 now to set this. This will make sure the mouse can be snapped to End, Mid, Perpendicular, Centre points etc.

Click on the first point you want the Pillar Dimension to start from, in this example it is the bottom left corner of the stand. Wait for 'End' to appear then click.


Now click on the second point where you want the first Pillar Dimension to end, so in this case it is the bottom left corner of the pillar. Wait for 'End' to appear then click.


We now need to position the dimension. You will see that when you move your mouse around, a dimension will be on the end of it.

The dimension may not look correct to start with, we need to make sure it is horizontally straight, so to do this press 'H' on your keyboard now.

Now when you move your mouse it will only give you a dimension from left to right.

NOTE: When you come back to this step when doing the vertical dimensions, press 'V' on your keyboard instead of 'H'.

You now need to set the position of the dimension. In the below example I have positioned it so that it is below the bottom stand dimension so that when the next next dimensions are added, they do not not conflict with it and are as clear as possible to read.

Position the dimension as required then click, the first dimension has now been added.


Now you need to add the next dimension, but this time when you add it you will not have to set the position because it will be placed automatically in-line with the first dimension.

The next point in this example will be the bottom right corner of the pillar, and then the next point will be the bottom right corner of the stand. After clicking each point, a dimension will be added.

Once complete, press ESC (escape) on your keyboard to finish the function.

The end result looks like the below.

Now repeat the above from Step 2 to add the vertical dimensions.