Open a Drawing that is linked to Floorplan Live


Open the drawing using one of the methods shown on this page.


When you open your drawing, one of the following messages will appear

Message 1

When the message below appears, click OK, your drawing will then be updated with any changes that have been made using the Floorplan Live system since you last opened your drawing.

You will receive a 'Download Complete' message once it has downloaded.

Message 2

When this message appears asking you if you want to re-download the Show from Floorplan Live, you need to make a decision based on these 3 points:

  1. Is your drawing being edited by someone else?

  2. When you last closed the drawing, did it close correctly without any errors or did your computer crash before or during the upload?

  3. Did you last close the drawing without uploading on purpose so you could edit the drawing later on?

Once you have decided which of the above options is true, click YES or NO based on what happens when you do this, see explanations below.

If you click YES, all of the stands that are currently on Floorplan Live will be downloaded to your drawing, overwriting any changes you may have made on your drawing. You will receive a 'Download Complete' message once it has downloaded. Your drawing will now match the one on Floorplan Live and the Floorplan Live version will be locked so it cannot be edited until you have finished.

If you click NO, your stands will remain untouched and will not be updated with the stands currently on Floorplan Live.