Download from Floorplan Live

This function allows you to download the latest stand changes from Floorplan Live and update your floorplan in EFD without closing your drawing down.

This is not usually needed because this is done automatically when you open a drawing, however if you have opened a drawing which had the link disabled, it would not download automatically, so this function can then be used.

Upload to Floorplan Live


Click on the 'Download' button which is located on the 'FLOORPLAN LIVE' ribbon.


One of following messages may now appear:

This message means that the floorplan has not yet been linked to Floorplan Live, please contact us to do this.

If this message appears it means one of the following:

  • Your EFD drawing may be in use by another EFD user

  • The drawing was closed for editing later.

  • The drawing was not closed correctly because of a crash etc.

If you are unsure what to do, please contact us.

Click Yes and your EFD floorplan will be updated with the latest floorplan on Floorplan Live.

Click No and the function will be cancelled

This message asks you to confirm the download.

Click Yes and your EFD floorplan will be updated with the latest floorplan on Floorplan Live.

Click No and the function will be cancelled


Once the Floorplan from Floorplan Live has been downloaded, the following confirmation message will appear.