Test Connection to Floorplan Live

This function tests the connection between your computer/floorplan and Floorplan Live to make sure that you are ready to upload/download successfully.

Test the Connection to Floorplan Live


IMPORTANT! Download and open this EFD file - EFD Connection Test File

When you open the above file there will be some instructions onscreen on how to run the test, but you can also follow the below.

Click the 'Test Connection' button which is located on the FLOORPLAN LIVE ribbon. 


A series of tests will now be done and present you with the following message box with either Ticks, Question Marks or Crosses.

Floorplan Live Service - This service uploads/downloads updated stand data. If a Red cross appears here please ensure that your computer/network can access this URL - https://efd-floorplanlive-sync.floorplanlive.online/ (you may need to speak to your IT Dept.) When you click on this link it should load a page which says 'Server Error' 403 - Forbidden: Access is denied.

SVG, PDF, Logo Upload - These items use FTP (File Transfer Protocol) to upload required files, if these have a red cross next to them please ensure that your computer/network can access this range of ports (you may need to speak to your IT Dept.)