Reposition Drawing for Floorplan Live

It is very important that your drawing is positioned correctly in EFD so that it displays correctly on Floorplan Live. This function moves your drawing for you to eliminate you having to reposition it manually.

EFD will not allow you to upload your drawing to Floorplan Live until it is positioned correctly but this function must be run manually as described below.

Repositioning your Drawing

In the example below you will see that the left hand edge of the drawing is too far left of the Black border. The drawing can also be to far below the bottom edge of the Black border which this function also corrects.


Click on the 'Reposition Drawing' button which is located on the 'FLOORPLAN LIVE' ribbon.


The following message may now appear. If it does, click OK, Save your drawing and then run this function again immediately, otherwise go to step 3.


The following message will now appear telling you that after running this function, your drawing will be saved and then uploaded. This is very important because if this does not happen there is a chance that your drawing could, become misaligned again.

Click OK.


Your drawing will now be repositioned so that the left and bottom edge of your drawing are positioned above and to the right of the left and bottom edge of the Black border. It does not matter if your drawing extends above or to the right of the Black border.

The below message will also appear after the drawing has been repositioned, telling you that the drawing has been repositioned and must now be uploaded, click OK.


After clicking OK to the above message a series of messages will now appear during the upload process. If any of these messages are denied or cancelled which would stop the upload process, the below message will appear telling you that the repositioning function has been undone.