Insert a Stand Type Key

A Stand Type Key is a quick reference to what the colour of your stands mean. It can be placed anywhere on your floorplan and also has some advanced options for showing square meterage etc. See the below samples: 

Inserting a Stand Type Key 


Select the 'Stand Type Key' option which is located on the INSERT ribbon under 'Colour Key' as highlighted below.


The below dialog box will now appear.

Edit the options in this dialog as required, or leave the options as they are for now because you can edit them later on by double-clicking on the Key.

Once done, click OK and go to step 3.

List of Options:

Key Title - This is the name of your Key and will be the header of your key when placed on your floorplan. You can leave this blank if you wish.

Plan Type - Select the Plan Type and then the Stand Type colours will show in the list below it. You will need to setup a Plan Type first before you can select one in here.

Show Stand Types - Tick or untick the Stand Type you wish to show/hide on the key. Note that you can hide certain Types per View, so you may want to leave them all visible for now.

Show Areas - Tick this box if you want the SQM total to be shown for each stand type. (Also see limit to Hall option below).

Show Quantities - Tick this box if you want the quantity of stands to be shown for each stand type. (Also see limit to Hall option below).

Limit to Hall - This limits the 2 options above so it only calculates the figures for a particular Hall Boundary/Gross Area. This is very useful if you have multi-hall shows.

Box Height - This is the height of the coloured box.

Box Width - This is the width of the coloured box.

Shape - This lets you select a shape for the coloured box.

Distance Box To Name - This specifies the distance between the coloured box and the stand type name.

Distance Between Columns - This specifies the distance between each column if there are multiple columns.

Max No. Rows - This limits the amount of rows your key will use, i.e. if you set this to 2 and you have 4 items in your list, 2 columns will be created.

Force to Uppercase - This forces the stand type name to be in UPPERCASE letters.


You now need to position the Key onto your floorplan.

You should see the Key on the end of your mouse, do not worry if the text looks too big or out of position at this point, we can adjust that afterwards.

Position the Key where you want it and click your mouse. If you placed it in the wrong place, just select the Key and move it using the Red node attached to it.

NOTE: Stand Type Keys are put onto layer 'Stand Type Key' automatically, but if you are using multiple keys across multiple Views and need to switch certain keys off in certain Views, you can move them onto new layers by following these instructions.

As you can see, the text on my Key is not how I want it, so to adjust the this, select the Key to make the Text options menu appear at the top of your screen as shown below.

Now just edit the text options as required, in this case I will reduce the Font Height - See results in 2nd picture below.