Custom Stand Build Grid (Advanced users only)
This advanced setting is used for when stands need to be drawn to an exact size based on the size of the Shell Scheme system used e.g. if the Shell Scheme system you use has a distance between pole centres of 1.05m or 0.99m etc.
In 99% of cases, drawing stands to exact metres (or half metres) is no problem, however, over a long distance run of stands, the overall distance might be out by quite a margin. If the shell scheme you are using has a distance of 1.05m between each pole, a distance of 20m would actually be 21m (20 x 1.05), which could be problematic if space is limited.
If the shell scheme system has a distance of 0.99m between poles, then over a 20m distance the real distance would be 19.8m, which is not so bad, especially as the distance is shorter, but obviously you might lose some sellable space over a very long run.
The examples below are of a 1.05m and 0.99m custom grid, and as you will see the dimensions are accurate but they are not very aesthetically pleasing when you need to sell stands, but we can fix that. Follow the steps below to setup a custom grid.
Setting up a Custom Stand Build Grid
The following steps will be based on setting a grid up at 1.05m
First of all you need to make sure the units are set to 3 decimal places. This is because when you adjust a stand, a measurement of 0.525 is needed for the half metre increments (1.05 / 2 = 0.525). If this is not set then adjusting sizes and splitting stands will not work correctly.
To access the Unit settings click on the 'Units' button which is located on the SETTINGS Ribbon.
The following 'Units' dialog box will appear.
Make sure the Units are set to Metres. Change the Display Precision to 0.001 (3 decimal places).
Change the Cursor increment to 0.525
Now click OK
If you want to use the system grid to help you draw stands, then follow this step and step 4 to setup your grid correctly. Setting up a grid is not essential.
To access the Grid settings click on the 'Grid & Snaps' button which is located on the SETTINGS Ribbon.
The following Grid & Snap Settings dialog will appear.
Change the Visible Grid to 1.050
Change the Snap Grid to 0.525
Now click OK
You now need to change the Custom Stand Build Grid size.
Click the 'Exhibition Properties' button which is located on the SETTINGS ribbon.
The following Exhibition Properties dialog will appear.
Change the Custom Stand Build Grid to 1.050
Now click Close
You can now try drawing some stands and you should be able to replicate the below, and you should see that a 1m by 1m stand shows as 1.05 x 1.05m.
We now need to round these dimensions so they show as whole numbers to make it look better for sales purposes.
Click the 'Visual Settings' button which is located on the SETTINGS ribbon.
Now tick 'Round Dimensions & Areas based on Custom Stand Build Grid (Advanced)'.
Click OK
When you return back to your floorplan after clicking OK above, your stand dimensions will now be rounded as shown below.
With all the settings adjusted correctly as per the previous steps, you should now be able to adjust stand sizes and split stands without the dimensions showing odd sizes.
IMPORTANT NOTE: When running a Meterage Report, all figures will be based on the rounded dimensions when rounding is switched on