Company Names Manager

Importing Names


Click on the Company Name Manager button which is located under SETTINGS > Company Names Manager as shown below.


Click on hte Import button as shown below and you will get 2 options:

  1. Import from an Excel Spreadsheet - Go to Step 3

  2. Import from and Existing Floorplan - Go to Step 4


After clicking on Import from Excel Spreadsheet, navigate to the spreadsheet that contains the names that you want to import and click Open.

The below box will now appear for you to select some options:

  1. Select the Sheet that contains your list of names. You should then see a preview of your spreadheet in the window below it.

  2. Map your spreadsheet columns to match the data in the list. In the example below the Company Name is mapped to Column A. If you want to import more information, map the columns accordingly.

  3. Click Import. The data will then be imported and your spreadsheet will now be coloured to show the data that has imported (Green) and any data that already exists (Yellow). If you want to export a report of the import showing these colours, click on the Export Report button.

  4. Click Close. The names are now ready to be added to stands.


After clicking on Import from Existing Floorplan, navigate to the floorplan (.EFD file) that contains the names that you want to import and click Open.

All of the names from the other floorplan will now be imported.

If any names already exist on your floorplan, a message will appear asking you if you want to overwrite the existing data, as shown below.