Moving Stands using X-Y Coordinates


Select the stand(s) you would like to move, you should see Red nodes appear on the corners of the stands as shown below.

If the corner nodes are Blue, press the Space bar on your keyboard to toggle them back to Red nodes.


Select a Red corner node, preferably one that is not next to another node to make it easier for you to select.

You are now in 'move' mode. While you are in this mode, press F8 on your keyboard which will initiate the XY Coordinates.

Now just move your mouse and you will see dimensions appear as you move, as highlighted below in Red. Move your stand the relevant distance and click your mouse.

TIP: You can also type in the distances you want to move your stand by entering the distances into the little boxes in the bottom right of your screen as highlighted below in Blue. Remember that if you want to move left or down, you will need to type a minus (-) figure.