Reset Stand Text Size and Positions
The Reset Text function is for resetting text sizes and positions for the stand Number, Name and Area. This function can be used on a selection of stands or all stands.
Resetting Stand Text
NOTE: If you only need to reset text for one stand, it may be quicker to use the ' R ' key on your keyboard. Select the Blue node attached to the text and press ' R ', the text will now reset to the default settings. Otherwise see below.
Select the stands that you would like to reset the text for or, if you would like to reset the text for all of your stands then do not select any stands.
NOTE: The Dynamic Ribbon will not appear if you have entities other than stands selected, to deselect the other entities and only select stands, press F3. Remember to press F3 again once finished so you can select other entities.
Click the 'Reset Text' button which is located on the HOME ribbon or, if stands have been selected then click on the 'Reset Text Positions' option after clicking the 'Stand Text' button which will be located on the Dynamic ribbon that appears when stands are selected.
Click the 'Reset Text' button which is located on the Dynamic Ribbon under Stand Text if stands have been selected or, the button on the HOME Ribbon if no stands have been selected.
Home ribbon location
Dynamic ribbon location
The following dialog box will now appear which has some options for you to choose:
Reset Number - This will reset the position and size of the stand number to the default setting in the Visual Settings, unless the text has already been adjusted using the Adjust Text Position function.
Reset Company - This will reset the position and size of the company name to the default setting in the Visual Settings, unless the text has already been adjusted using the Adjust Text Position function.
Reset Area - This will reset the position and size of the stand area (sqm) to the default setting in the Visual Settings, unless the text has already been adjusted using the Adjust Text Position function.
Reset Dims - This will reset the position and size of the stand dimensions to the default setting in the Visual Settings.
Master reset - This will reset the position and size of all of the above items to the default setting in the Visual Settings even if the text has been adjusted using the Adjust Text Position function.