Copy a View

This page will describe how to create a View based on an existing View by copying it.

Copy a View


Click on the 'Manage Views' button which is located on the HOME menu ribbon.


The Manage Views dialog box will now appear showing a list of the views you have created.

In this example I will create a Sales Plan with No Dimensions View.

Select the View you want to Copy (in this case I will select the Sales Plan because it is closest to what I need), then click Copy. 


The Copy View dialog will now appear as shown below.

Now all you have to do is edit the View as required, especially the View Name, then click OK.

In this case I have edited:


After clicking OK above, the Manage Views Dialog will appear again showing your new View at the bottom of the list.

You can reposition the View by selecting it and then using the Blue arrows on the left.