Insert a Show or Sponsor Logo

Use this function to add Show or Sponsor Logos to your floorplan.

Supported images include .BMP .PNG .JPG .WMF .PDF

Note: Although .WMF and .PDF can contain vector graphics, when they are imported into EFD they are converted to raster graphics. In simple terms, vector graphics do not lose quality when scaled up but raster graphics do, they become blocky.

Note: .PNG images support transparency but EFD does not, so the images may not display correctly on-screen, but they will output to a PDF etc just fine, however, the transparency will be replaced with the colour White. 

Inserting a Logo

View the quick tutorial video (no sound) and/or follow the instructions below.


Select either 'Show Logo' or 'Sponsor Logo' from the Logo button  which is located on the INSERT ribbon.

NOTE: When you select Show Logo, your logo will be inserted onto a layer called 'Show Logos' automatically, however, when you select Sponsor Logo, your logo will be inserted onto a layer called 'Sponsor Logos' automatically. This is the only difference when using either option.


A dialog box will now appear asking you to select your image, select your logo then click Open.


The dialog shown below will now appear giving you a preview of the image. We recommend accepting the default settings and clicking OK, then moving to step 4.

Here is an explanation of each option in this dialog in case you want to change them.

Path Type Options:

Embedded (recommended) - The image is inserted and actually saved into the drawing, this means that if you send the .EFD file to another person, the logo will display just fine.

Absolute - The image is inserted and links to the image with an Absolute folder path of where the image is stored e.g C:/floorplans/client/floorplan name/logos. This option is useful if the image is going to be updated regularly and will remain in the same folder and never be moved. If the logo is updated then the logo on your drawing will update automatically.

Relative - The image is inserted and links to the image with an Relative folder path of where the image is stored e.g /floorplan name/logos. This option is useful if the image is going to be updated regularly but is in a sub folder of the main drawing folder and the main drawing folder might have to be moved.

Specify Scale Factor:

This specifies the scale factor/size of the inserted image. We recommend this is left Unticked so you can specify the size on-screen as shown in step 4 below.

Change Image:

If you made a mistake and selected the wrong image, use this button to select a differnet image.


You now need to click a point to insert the logo, then move your mouse in a diagonal movement to specify the size of the image, then just click.

TIP: If you need to adjust the size of the logo after inserting it, click here for help on how to do this.