Measure a Distance

The Measure function is used to measure the distance between 2 points on your floorplan without actually drawing anything on the floorplan. 

Measuring a Distance 


Zoom into the approximate area of where you want to measure, this makes it easier to select the 2 points you want to measure to/from. 


Click on the 'Measure' button  which is located on the HOME ribbon. 


Click on the first point you want to measure from.

TIP: We recommend that the snap mode is set to Snap when using this command to insure accuracy, press F7 now to set this. This will make sure the mouse can be snapped onto End, Mid, Perpendicular, Centre points etc.

TIP: It is also recommend that Angle Lock is turned off to make it easier to snap to points, press F6 to turn it on/off. When Angle Lock is ON the icon for it turns Blue and if it is OFF the Blue disappears (see pictures below). This icon is located in the top right of your screen on the System Toolbar. You can also click the icon to turn it on/off.


Move your mouse to the next point and click when the Snap type pops up, in the example below 'Endpoint' pops up. 


After clicking the second point, the 'Measure Information' box will pop up showing you the measurement along with additional information: