Tidy / Add Stand Dimensions

Sometimes after amending a lot of stands by copying/pasting etc, the dimensions on the stands can look a little messy because of their positions so, this Tidy Dimensions function tidies them up.

You can also use this function to add dimensions to stands that have them missing such as after using the Build Stands function.

Tidying Stand Dimensions

In this example you will see that there are dimensions on internal stand edges and some missing from the external stand edges:


Select the stands you would like to Tidy the Stand Dimensions for then click on the 'Tidy Dimensions' button which is located on the Dynamic ribbon.

TIP: You can also initiate this function by using the default Hot Key ' T '

NOTE: The Dynamic Ribbon will not appear if you have entities other than stands selected, to deselect the other entities and only select stands, press F3. Remember to press F3 again once finished so you can select other entities.


The Stand Dimensions will now be tidied so they appear like the below: