Import Stand Data

This Import Stand Data function allows you to import an exhibitor list along with their stand types and other information from a spreadsheet, into your drawing to save you doing it manually.

You can also import a spreadsheet which has stand coordinates and the software will create the stands for you.

Import Stand Data


First of all make sure your spreadsheet contains the correct information; most importantly the stand numbers in your spreadsheet must match the stand numbers on your floorplan. Also, if you want to import the stand type such as Sold, Reserved etc, you need to make sure the stand types have been setup on your floorplan first, you can get help on adding these here.

Below are the fields that can be imported:

Stand Number (Used for matching your list to the floorplan, numbers are not imported).

Company Name

Stand Type

Stand Area (for comparing with the stand areas on your floorplan only, nothing is imported).

Stand URL

Stand Coordinates (used to create new stands, usually exported from a system that can export coordinates).

Sample Data


Click the 'Import Stand Data' button which is located on the INSERT ribbon.

A dialog will now appear for you to select the spreadsheet you want to import, locate your spreadsheet and click Open.


The following dialog box will appear. Please go to the next steps for a breakdown of these options.


The below highlighted area shows a preview of your spreadsheet, if your spreadsheet contains more than one sheet, you can select the sheet using the drop down box at the top of this section.


To import the stand types onto your floorplan you must select the Plan Type these will be imported to, to do this click on the drop down box in the section below and select the relevant Plan Type, a list of the stand types will now appear underneath. Now all you need to do is type in the matching spreadsheet type into this list i.e. Reserved and Sold as shown below. If these do not match then the stand types will not be imported.

TIP: If you do not fill in the Matching Sheet Stand Type, the software will check the spreadsheet for you to see if any words match and fill in the blanks for you.


In the highlighted Options section below you need to select either 'Update Existing' or 'Create New'.

Selecting 'Create New' enables the Coordinates section for when you want to import stand coordinates which creates new stands.

You now need to enter the column letters that match the columns in your spreadsheet, i.e. put 'A' in the Stand No field as shown.

In this section you also have different options when importing Company Names and URLs:

Add if Empty - This will only import names/URLs onto stands that currently don't have a company names/URLs on them

Overwrite All - This imports the names/URLs and overwrites any company names/URLs that are already on stands

Ignore Names - Choose this if you do not want the names/URLs imported. This is useful if you only want to import the stand types for example

You also have different options when importing Stand Types:

Import Types - This imports the Stand Type

Ignore Types - This does not import the Stand Type. This is useful if you only want to import the stand names for example

If you want to import coordinates enter the relevant Separator and Delimiter:

  • Separator - This is the character used between each set of coordinates, in the below example this is 'Space' (space bar).

  • Delimiter - This is the character used to join a set of coordinates, in the below example this is ' , ' (comma).


Once all of the above options have been configured as required, you now need to import the data by clicking on the Import button below. You may now get a message saying that some stand types are not mapped to the spreadsheet and it will tell you what types do not match so, if you need to fix these press cancel and go to Step 5. If all is ok you will get a message saying 'Data Imported', click OK then go to step 8.


Now the data has been imported your spreadsheet preview will change showing different cells in different colours like the below.

These different colours tell you what happened when the data imported, you can see what the colours mean at the bottom of the dialog. In this example you will see that the cell with 'Stand Number' in it is Red, this is because there is no such stand number on the floorplan due to it being the header of the column.

To complete the import click Close, however we recommend Exporting the colour report before doing this so that you have something to refer to after the data has been imported onto your plan. Click on Export Report and then select a save location, the report will be saved in PDF format.