Shell Scheme Components

Follow the below instructions for setting up EFD so that it calculates Shell Scheme Component quantities and outputs them to a PDF.

System Settings


Before setting up the Shell Component Calculator there are 2 things you must do first:

Once the above has been done your stands should look like the below and the Stand types should be associated with a Build type, also shown below:


Click the 'Exhibition Properties' button  which is located on the SETTINGS ribbon. 


The Exhibitions Properties dialog box will now appear, then click on the 'Stand Build Options' tab.

See the below list for an explanation of each available option.

Once you have set all the options you require, click OK and move to step 4.

Custom Stand Build Grid

IMPORTANT: You can currently only use this function for drawing stands that need to be drawn exactly to a custom grid such as 0.99m or 1.05m, but if you do then the shell scheme calculator will not currently work. A new shell scheme calculator system is currently under development to allow for this.

Click here for more information on this setting.

Calculate Shell Scheme Components and create PDFs of each stand block

Tick this so that the shell scheme components get calculated and PDFs of each block are created.

PDF only modified stand blocks

When this is ticked, only blocks of stands that have changed in size since the last calculation will be calculated. If left unticked, all stand blocks will be calculated from scratch.

Reset Shell Scheme Calculator options (button)

Click this button to reset the calculator options, you will get a choice of what you want to reset.

Save the PDFs here:

If a location is not set the PDFs will be saved in a folder called 'PDF' which will be located where your .EFD floorplan is located.

If you want the PDFs saved somewhere else, use the browse button to set the location. 

Email the PDF stand blocks

Use this function if you want one of your contacts to be notified automatically by email when any of the stand blocks have changed.


Now all you need to do is save and close your floorplan.

When you close your floorplan the following dialog appears and you will see that the 'Update Stand Component PDFs' is automatically ticked, now click OK. All of your PDFs will be calculated and saved in the specified places.

NOTE: If you want the whole floorplan shown on the 2nd page of your components PDF, edit the View you want shown and tick 'Add View to Block Plan PDF' as shown in the 2nd image below.


Once the Components PDF is created you will see a full list of components on the first page, your floorplan (if required) on the 2nd page and then every other page will show each block of stands with their components with a quantity list on the side, see images below.