Drawing Intelligent Hall Columns/Pillars

When Intelligent Pillars/Columns are added to your floorplan it allows the Inspect Floorplan tool to detect whether stand walls are running through pillars. Stand areas (sqm) are also calculated automatically if a pillar is completely within a stand.


Please check in our Venue Downloads section that we do not already have a drawing with intelligence already available, or contact us because not all of the drawings we have are available for download yet.

Height Restrictions should only be made intelligent on Venue drawings which are inserted using the Insert Venue function and not your actual floorplan, however if you have inserted a venue drawing without using the Insert Venue function then please carry on.

Drawing Intelligent Pillars


Zoom into the area where you need to add the intelligent pillar.

Tip: You can also add intelligence to pillars that are on a venue wall as shown in picture 2 below; this makes the Inspect Tool even more powerful.

Picture 1

Picture 2


Select the 'Draw Pillars' (top half of button) which is located on the VENUE ribbon.


Now draw around the area so you end up with a highlighted area in Black as shown below (not very visible on a Black pillar!).

Tip: You can also use the Create Intelligent Pillars from a Polyline function if the areas that exist on your plan are made from polylines, this will speed up the process and save you drawing the areas manually.

The Pillar is now intelligent! Any stand walls that run through the pillar will now be highlighted to you in the Inspect Floorplan tool, and any stands that have a pillar completely within them will have their sqm adjusted accordingly.

TIP: If you do not want the stand SQM to be adjusted based on the pillar size, please see the STANDS section on this page.