Exhibition Properties

The Exhibition Properties are where you change the settings such as stand colours for your particular floorplan, these settings are saved per drawing.

Exhibition Properties

Click the 'Exhibitions Properties' button  which is located on the SETTINGS ribbon. 

Hall / Show

This section shows all of the Hall / Show Boundaries you have on your floorplan.

Name - Click on this to edit the name

Fill (colour) - Click on this to select a colour

Show Stands (tick box) - This option allows you to hide the stands that are in this particular Hall Boundary. This can be useful when multi-hall floorplans are created. You can also set this option per view for even more flexibility e.g. I can create a view called Hall 1 that does not show the stands for Hall 2 and vise-versa.

True Area - This is a calculated figure and cannot be amended in here.

Custom Area - This can only be edited by double-clicking on the Hall Boundary itself.


This section shows all of the Zones you have on your floorplan.

Name - Click on this to edit the name

Fill (colour) - Click on this to select a colour

Fill Type - Click on this to set the type of fill e.g. Solid or hatch lines

Show Name (tick box) - Untick this if you do not want the name of the zone shown on your floorplan

Split Name - Tick this if you want to add a carriage return after each word in your zone name. This can help with placement of your show name on-screen.

Amalgamate Meterage Figures for Zones with the same Name (tick box at bottom) - If you have multiple zones with the same name, you can amalgamate the figures for these zones in your meterage report so they all show as one zone.

Plan Types

This section allows you to edit your plan and stand types.

Name - Double Click on this to edit the Name and Stand Types.

Visible - Tick this to make this Plan Type visible on your screen.

Visible (FL) - Tick this to make this Plan Type visible on Floorplan Live.

Import Button (at bottom) - Use this to import Plan Types from other floorplans.

Add Button (at bottom) - Click on this to add a new Plan Type.

Edit Button (at bottom) - Click on this to edit the Name and Stand Types.

Delete Button (at bottom) - Select a plan Type then click this button to delete it.


This section allows you to edit certain Stand properties.

Default Stand Height - This changes the default Stand Height of your stands.

Auto Calculate Pillar Areas - Tick this so that stand areas are adjusted if pillars are within the stands.


This section allows you to edit certain Gangway properties.

Minimum Allowed Gangway Width - Set the minimum sized gangway required on your floorplan. Once set, using the 'Inspect Floorplan' tool will highlight any gangway dimensions less than this amount.

Gangway Carpets

This section shows all of the Gangway Carpets you have on your floorplan.

Name - Click on this to edit the name

Fill (colour) - Click on this to select a colour

Show Name (tick box) - Untick this if you do not want the name of the Gangway Carpet shown on your floorplan

Show Area (tick box) - Untick this if you do not want the area (Square meterage) of the Gangway Carpet shown on your floorplan

Amalgamate Meterage Figures for Gangway Carpets with the same Name (tick box at bottom) - If you have multiple Gangway Carpets with the same name, you can amalgamate the figures for these carpets in your meterage report so they all show as one zone.

Stand Build Options