What are Layers?

Layers are a fundamental part of your drawing and allow you to show and hide certain things on your floorplan such as Service Ducts and Stand Dimensions. Being able to do this makes it much easier to work on a floorplan that has lots of information on it because you can temporarily hide things out of the way. When you combine these layer settings with the Views function you can very quickly view and export different looking floorplans for specific people or departments. 


The example below will help you visualise how layers are made up. You will see that different entities on your floorplan are on different layers.

Looking at the below images, you can see that all the layers are visible (shown in the column with a light bulb): 

And looking at these below images, you can see some of the layers have been made invisible by un-ticking them in the light bulb column: 

As well as being able to make layers visible/invisible, you can also Lock/Unlock layers which means that the objects on those layers cannot be selected. This is useful when there is something important on your floorplan that should not be moved or deleted such as hall pillars. There is also a Keep Locked function to keep specific layers locked permanently so they cannot be unlocked by accident.

You can also specify whether certain layers are printable/exportable to PDFs/Images. What this means is that you can leave a particular layer always visible on-screen but, you can make it none printable so it does not appear on a print out or on an exported PDF/Image.

For detailed help on layers and the Layer Manager, please click here.